
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Body Language: Used to identify a characters feelings 

Costumes: Used to create a character’s personality

Hairstyles: Just like costumes it brings out a character’s personality

Make-Up: Used to change the look and bring out a personality of a set character

Colour: Used to set the mood of a set Red could mean angry and Blue could mean Sad 

Lighting: Used to always set the mood and often make something important to stand out.

Props: Used to make sense more interactive and more realistic.

Setting:Used to often progress stories and describe the surroundings

Dialogue:Used to either elevate a plot or reveal something new about a character

Sound Effects: Used to create a mood so the audience can sympathize 

Music: It is used to set a mood for the scene .

Silence: Used to make it scene more serious or scary in a way 

Symbols: A object used to represent an idea 

Special Effects: Used to make the film look more people realistic